Tuesday 15 December 2015

Benefits of Cucumber

Cucumber is one of the best known home remedies for dealing with dark, haggard eyes. Using cucumber for treating under eye dark circles is a world-wide treatment, which is being used to its maximum extent. So, it is advisable that before you go for expensive under-eye cream the next time try cucumber first! Cucumber also consists of Caffeic and ascorbic acids, which prevent water retention. That is why cucumber is very beneficial for burns, swollen eyes, and dermatitis.
Its juice is a nourishing vitamin for our hair and skin. It is also a good rejuvenator, and makes us feel and look younger. Cucumber is very helpful to keep up the smoothness of your skin. It is a key ingredient for many home beauty treatments. With its nourishing, hydrating, and astringent properties it works wonders for your skin. Cucumber is helpful to brighten, whiten, and even tighten your skin. Cucumbers contain the same pH level as your skin, a factor that aids in replenish your skin’s protective and natural acid mantle. Either you can apply cucumber slices straight onto your skin for a soothing effect or you can blend cucumber with other kitchen ingredients so that you could get smooth, soft, young-looking, and glowing skin.
Cucumber juice is rich in silica, which is known to enhance complexion and add glow to your skin. Silica is a trace mineral that helps to strengthen our connective tissue. Connective tissue is what holds our body together. The silica and antioxidants present in cucumber help to lighten the pigmented skin and rejuvenate drained and dry skin. They are also very effective when used for various common skin problems, like sunburn and inflammation under the eyes. Freckles may look pretty on a kid, but they may not be so attractive on you! You can battle freckles with cucumber juice. It is a safer method than all the skin whitening creams and bleaches that you always use. To get rid of freckles, just apply cucumber juice all over your face. You can see the results overtime.
Extensive exposure to the sun for long hours may cause sunburns. If Sun burnt skin is not treated soon, it may cause severe threats in the future. Treat it with cucumber, as it has cooling effect that soothe the skin and rejuvenate easily.

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